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Welcome to the DTSC website!

Dale Thacker Specialty Crops farm is located in Bow Island, Alberta in the heart of a high-intensity, irrigated farming area.  This area is known for it's high heat units and long summer days with short, cool evenings which provide the ideal growing climate for essential oil crops.


DTSC has completed the Good Agriculture and Collection Practices (G.A.C.P.) training.


DTSC products are 100% natural, pure essential oils, with no additives.  These include Scotch Spearmint Oil and Dill Oil.  All of our Mint and Dill products are grown on our farm and harvested by us at our state-of-the-art facility that is renown for it's consistent, high quality oils.


Mission Statement

"To be the agri-processing industries 1st choice producer of premium quality essential oils, grains, oilseeds and pulses"


Vision Statement

"We are an innovative, 4th generation family farm, producing premium quality essential oils, grains, oilseeds and pulses.  We utilize advanced technology, ethical business practices, sound agronomics and environmental stewardship to ensure long-term growth and viability."

About Us


5th generation family farm that produce Scotch Spearmint, Peppermint and Dill Essential Oils, Hemp, as well as other grains, oilseeds and pulses.



- Scotch Spearmint

- Peppermint
- Dill
- Hi-Bred Seed Canola
- Hemp (Grain & CBD)

- Wheat

- Peas


Contact Us


Dale Thacker Specialty Crops
PO Box 369

112065 Twp Rd 110

Bow Island, Alberta, T0K 0G0

Tel:  (403) 545-6122

Fax: (403) 545-6133


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